Articles on: Custom Models

Can I retrain a custom model on Voicify AI?

AI voice modeling is an intricate process that involves significant computational power. At Voicify AI, we offer the ability to create custom voice models to meet our users' unique requirements. However, a common question that arises is: "Can I retrain a model after it has been finalized?"

The Nature of AI Model Training

AI model training involves processing large volumes of data through complex algorithms. This process is computationally intensive and demands substantial resources. When you train a model on Voicify AI, we use high-performance computing systems to process your voice data and create a custom model that can mimic the voice pattern in your dataset.

Can You Retrain a Model?

Unfortunately, once a model has been trained and finalized on Voicify AI, it cannot be retrained. The reason for this is tied to the computational demands of model training mentioned above.

Retraining a model essentially means repeating the entire process from the start with new data. This would require the same amount of processing power and resources as the initial training. Due to these significant demands, our system is designed to finalize models once they have been trained, rather than allowing for retraining.

While we understand that this may limit the flexibility of tweaking your models, this policy allows us to maintain efficient use of our computational resources and offer a more stable, robust service to all users.

What Can You Do?

If you're unsatisfied with the outcome of a trained model or want to incorporate new data, the recommended approach is to create a new model. Collect your new voice data, ensure it's of high quality and as varied as possible, and then initiate the training of a new model.

Remember, every new model is a new opportunity to refine your AI voice. The more you learn about the kind of data that produces the best results, the better your future models will be.

We hope this article clarifies the possibilities and limitations regarding model training on Voicify AI. We understand that our users may have unique needs, and we always strive to cater to those while ensuring the sustainability and effectiveness of our services.

Should you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. They're always ready to assist you.

Updated on: 23/07/2023

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